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Can I Smoke Marijuana In Recovery?

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Can I Smoke Marijuana In Recovery?

Written by Genesis Recovery

"Marijuana maintenance" is what it is called and for the REAL alcoholic or addict, it can be deadly. The disease of addiction has a three-fold facet: physical, mental and holistic. According to the book of Alcoholics Anonymous the mental obsession is classified as: "The idea that somehow, someday he will control and enjoy his drinking (and using) is the great obsession of every abnormal drinker/addict. The persistence of this illusion is astonishing. Many pursue it into the gates of insanity or death. We learned that we had to concede fully to our innermost selves that we were alcoholics."

The mind of the alcoholic/addict is where his/her problem centers. Unless he can admit to his innermost self that he is an addict or an alcoholic then, according to doctors, he is doomed. The mental obsession tells the addict: Marijuana is a plant; It is organic; It is not a drug; Marijuana wasn't my problem. Here are a few of the many reasons why marijuana maintenance is dangerous to recovery.

Addiction is a lonely disease. Most addicts end up alone and, therefore, need a community to help them feel a part of something. Recovery communities, for the most part, believe in a life of abstinence. Therefore, any mood altering substance is viewed as not a part of sobriety. If an addict or alcoholic is on the marijuana maintenance plan then he/she may not feel like part of the recovery community since they are not sober. They may decide to withdraw from the community that is so vital to their recovery.

In addition to losing community, another problem encountered by addicts smoking marijuana is that inhibitions are often lowered by using any type of mood altering substance. In turn, this can return the addict or alcoholic to their drug of choice. What may begin as something to help the alcoholic "relax" or "liven up recovery" can eventually bring about a false confidence to think that they can control the use of any substance.

Lastly, for the alcoholic and addict who participate in a 12-step plan of recovery, their hope is the growth and maintenance of a holistic condition. Any type of mood altering substance can cut them off from God and therefore from their source of power. According to the basic text of Alcoholics Anonymous, constant contact with God is the only thing sufficient to bring about the necessary psychic change required for recovery.

These are just some of the many reasons why it has been repeatedly proven that the marijuana maintenance plan is not conducive to permanent sobriety. Are there any other reasons you see that I’ve missed? Please comment below.

by Carl Culver

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction the experts at Genesis Recovery can help get you on the road to recovery. Contact us and find out how we can help you achieve permanent sobriety.

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