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Finding God Saved Me From My Addiction

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Finding God Saved Me From My Addiction

Written by Genesis Recovery

I’ve struggled with addiction my entire adult life. While going in and out of rehabs became a norm for me, facing the consequences of drug use was never enough for me to learn. Until finally, enough was enough! Although I have very loving and successful parents, there came a point where they couldn’t handle putting their time, effort, and hope into my recovery only to see me fail over and over again. Once they cut off all ties, after over ten years of attempting to support me, I became homeless and saw begging for money on the street corner of La Jolla where I grew up as my only way to get a fix of my drug of choice, meth. I had lost everything—my family, my home, my friends, and my fiancé, all because drugs controlled my life. The only thing I had, besides my drugs, was the smallest amount of faith in God that one day he would carry me out of this mess. Praying to God was my last resort, but I thought maybe he would hear my prayers and save me. So I did, and that’s when I met Morgan, my future sponsor and the man who God spoke through. After seeing me day after day, standing on the same street corner with a sign asking for money, he decided to stop at a red light and have a conversation with me that ultimately saved my life.

Morgan was an active member of Alcoholics Anonymous who offered me his place to stay while I detoxed. He contacted Genesis Recovery to see if there was a bed open. Although I knew deep down that this was it, and that I had finally hit a bottom and needed permanent sobriety, my parents were understandably skeptical since this would be one out of twenty treatment centers I had been to. I had to sell my Subaru, which was more than just a car to me but a home for months, to my dad in order to pay for the costs of treatment. While at Morgan’s house, I had a seizure from using meth for so long and not having it in my system. On top of becoming homeless, this was another sign that I needed recovery. I finally made the decision that going in and out of rehab, using every drug there was out there, and living a desperate life was enough for me to give Genesis Recovery, a multi-faceted/12 step program, a chance. I owed it all to God and to the man who saved my life.

Once I got to Genesis Recovery, I worked my steps with Morgan thoroughly for the first time. Even though I knew I needed sobriety, I was pretty stubborn and a pain to most of the counselors and residents. It took a lot of patience from the staff, and correction on my part, for me to get serious enough. I successfully completed the four months at Genesis Recovery. I have to thank the staff for their help and perseverance, and for the fact that they never gave up on me. I knew four months of treatment wouldn’t be enough for my 10 years of drug addiction, so I interviewed at sober living and was accepted. It took me a while to get back on my feet again. While I was completing aftercare I had to get a minimum wage job to buy my car back from my dad. I kept this job for 6 months, finally saving up enough to buy my car that I had fought so hard to get back. I was then offered another, better paying job valeting, but the company, unfortunately, lost their contract. These were the struggles of sobriety, but they were a hell of a lot better than the struggles of drug addiction.

Tommy, the Executive Director of Genesis Recovery, had seen that I had maintained sobriety and considered me an absolute miracle. From the stubborn, impatient, and difficult client to the hard working, recovery- centered person I became, he decided to offer me a job at Genesis Recovery, since he knew I was struggling to pay rent each month on my own and living pay check to pay check, and job to job. Tommy told me I was a Tesla, a great investment. Going from the hopeless patient at Genesis Recovery to a worker who is able to help people in the same position I once was in has been a blessing from God. Being able to counsel and mentor men at the place I owe my life to is amazing. I’m still here today, and I have Tommy, Morgan, and most importantly, God to thank for the wonderful opportunity to grow each day. Going from facing the embarrassment of holding a sign asking for money, living in my car, and losing everyone who meant the most to me, to attending meetings every day, holding a steady job, and having a solid relationship with God, sobriety has truly humbled me and I am forever grateful.

By Wes Monson-Ruffier

Living with an addiction can be all-consuming but it does not have to ruin your life. Treatment is available and can help. Call us here at Genesis Recovery and talk to one of our knowledgeable and compassionate intake counselors today.

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