Begin Your Recovery
(760) 303-4181

The Experience

Our Holisticly Therapeutic Treatment Approach combines four distinct elements we have found to be imperative to achieve lasting sobriety: faith-nurturing activities, clinical treatment, participation in a 12-step program, and the support of a strong recovery & faith community.


At Genesis Recovery, we believe that a holistic experience is imperative to achieve lasting sobriety and a happy, content, sober life. To encourage this holistic experience, we create opportunities for residents to develop and nurture their individual faith experience through our structured Holisticly Therapeutic Treatment Approach.
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Our program serves 24 male adults (18 and older) who suffer from the disease of alcoholism and drug addiction. The goals and objectives of treatment are to educate and support an individual through the process of recovery by focusing on the physical, emotional, legal, social and holistic consequences of alcohol or other drug use.
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12- Step

Throughout their stay, our team guides and supports residents as they work to complete all 12 steps prior to their departure from the program. Our established alliances with other 12-step fellowships throughout our county share our experience, strength and hope with countless others on the same path towards permanent sobriety.
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Genesis Recovery is blessed with a large multi-faceted recovery community in San Diego. With nightly visits to recovery-related support groups, residents have the opportunity to hear how others maintain a life of recovery, preparing them for their transition back into society.
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Upcoming Events

Connect. Learn. Grow. All Addicts, Alcoholics and Loved Ones Are Welcome.
All events have been postponed due to Covid-19.
[email protected]
Genesis Recovery is Licensed by the Department of Healthcare Services to provide Residential Treatment Services. 
License #370139AN 
Expiration 9/30/2026
Click Here to Verify License