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Marijuana Addiction Treatment in San Diego

Whether or not you believe it, marijuana is an addictive substance. We see it every day when clients come in for rehabilitation from a drug that has a strong hold on their lives. With marijuana, addiction doesn’t begin all at once, but rather in increments. We understand that addiction can start slowly. Once an individual is aware of the impact that marijuana addiction has on themselves and their loved ones, they often require an intervention. Marijuana has made waves in the media as it is being used in medical facilities and prescribed—by some physicians—to help ease certain ailments. Nonetheless, we believe in its addictive potential.

Marijuana Addiction Treatment in San Diego

Why Marijuana is Addictive

Marijuana, like any drug, is addictive in high doses. The argument that marijuana isn’t addictive has been a long-standing argument, but this argument was created before the amount of THC in marijuana strains became much higher than any in the past. Marijuana has become more and more addictive because of this new way of breeding increased percent strains in plants all over the world. The addiction also comes with the increased percentage of people using marijuana.

Ways marijuana can be taken:

• Edibles (brownies, cakes, anything with marijuana cooked into it)
• Smoked through pipes, joints, bongs, masks, and pens (as liquid)

Common names for Marijuana:

• Kush
• Hash
• Weed
• Mary Jane
• Ganja
• Roach
• Reefer
• Grass

What is addiction?

Addictions form when one substance or a combination of substances become the center of a person’s life. When the dependency on this addictive drug consumes your life, and nothing can satisfy this need, you may be left feeling empty inside. This is often the first sign of addiction. Once someone realizes that they are addicted, they’re often in the thick of addiction. Addiction can involve drugs and alcohol but can also involve specific behaviors, such as sex and gambling.

Addiction to marijuana can affect motor function, including how people drive and move, to memory loss, carelessness, and disregard for anything that was once important in their lives. Because of the availability and acceptance of this drug, it may not be apparent at first glance that you or your loved are addicted.

Signs and symptoms of marijuana addiction:

• Lack of interest in life
• Inability to communicate with friends and family
• Isolation
• Red eyes
• Slowed speech
• Relaxed gait
• Low energy
• Heightened food cravings
• Motor function lowered
• Memory loss

Someone addicted to marijuana will exhibit these signs and symptoms on a daily basis. Because of this drug’s physical side effects, users may hide or avoid face-to-face contact when using frequently. Many drugs, including marijuana, may cause a person to begin pulling away from family events and social interaction.

At Genesis Recovery, we understand that this drug may be a gateway to others and should managed as soon as addiction sets in. This drug often affects those who are suffering from depression, severe anxiety, and other co-occurring disorders or personal issues.

Treatment for Marijuana at Genesis Recovery

When we speak to many of our clients and their family members in group therapy, we often hear that there is a cycle of constant back and forth when trying to find effective treatment options. Both the family member and the addict struggle. The addict tries to continue their drug use amid feelings of guilt and stress, while the family member tries to be supportive but ultimately becomes an enabler.

We have a no tolerance policy at Genesis that runs through everything we do, because the only way to stop the dependency on marijuana addiction is to completely remove the temptation. Recovery programs at Genesis are the most successful as we offer 12-step programs specific for each drug and stress the importance of removing any enabling behavior.

Family Therapy

This program helps our clients involve their family members in their recovery. During these sessions, we get to the core of addiction, how it began and what contributes to the addicted person’s need for marijuana. The more support a family gives to those affected by marijuana addiction, the more successful their family member will be to continue living well and free of marijuana.

Marijuana can become addictive if treatment isn’t put into place, but recovery is possible. Call Genesis Recovery in San Diego at 619-717-7319 to learn more about our marijuana addiction treatment in San Diego.

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Expiration 9/30/2026
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